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Interview CARTAS SOBRE LA MESA (RT) Health as a product to make money in the US.

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Source: actualidad.rt.com

One of the problems facing the Latino community in the United States is the difficulty in accessing healthcare without having private insurance. For example, Florida is among the five worst states for public health care and that translates into a precarious percentage of access, for which the Government is blamed for not supporting additional funds for aid plans such as Obamacare.

Insurers, who live by collecting high policies, take advantage of this situation and until recently the population was penalized if they did not have private coverage. “Health care in this country is based on a capitalist system and, if it weren’t for Obamacare, the percentage of people without access to healthcare would be even higher. Obamacare is not the best in the world, but it is a gigantic advance that has been made in the US in terms of health”, says Eoliberth Suárez, comprehensive health insurance advisor.

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